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Bullies or Friends? 
Written by Shamninder Sahota

Friendships come with all kinds of bullying as well. Some soft tone humors, others which go really bad leading in hate crimes as we all hear on the news so many times. In 2030, bullying can and will become an issue, as we all would be on social media and impacting each other’s life would become even more easy. 
Cyber bullying is a whole new prospective, it nor only involves the use of unkind words against someone on a social media platform but also involves sending out viruses, or sharing someone’s private information without consent etc. (CCOHS, 2018) As computers as becoming a part of every medium like our refrigerators, our digital security cameras, stoves etc., remember all of them can be hacked by a tech genius living in the other part of the world (Diaz, 2017). As the technology advances, people would be more trained in Technology as well, therefore, the ability of them becoming bullies is going to be high as well. 
Friends may remain the same in 2030, but sometimes unknowingly the information of another person may be passed on to the wrong source due to the widespread of social media, therefore, proving unnecessary bullying of someone innocent. 

Please leave a comment or if you have any suggestion for me to extend my research. 

You can also Follow on Twitter @ShamninderS

CCOHS. (2018) Internet harassment or cyberbullying? Government of Canada. Retrieved from:

Daiz, E. (2017). Glimpse of the future of bullying in 2027. Retrieved from


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