Would social media the only way to meet friends in 2030?
Written by Fernanda Araya.
Nowadays, we make friends in the real world and on social media, but it seems that in the future, this trend might change. One of the biggest social media platforms predicts that “Facebook will have 5 billion users by 2030” (Shah, 2016). This prediction might indicate that future generations would prefer virtual connections rather than real ones. We can assume that they would create powerful campaigns to promote virtual connections in the year 2030. Social media left one key component out related to friendship, which is trust, and according to Botsman, trust is “the glue that holds society together” (Botsman, 2017). So, according to this information, we don’t know how these relationships are going to prevail with time. It might be that future generations will have superficial relationships, and they probably might value other elements in friendship, changing the concept altogether.
Shah, S. (2016). Facebook will have 5 billion users by 2030 predicts Mark Zuckerberg. Digital Trends. Retrieved from https://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/facebook-5-billion-users-2030/
Botsman, R. (2017). Trust in 2030 – from institutions to individuals. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/11/trust-score-2030-airbnb-facebook/
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