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How Cyber-Bullying will affect mental illness in the year 2030.

Written by: Alexia Taylor.

            Cyber-bullying is a problem which affects youth, worldwide. In a study published in 2011, across 25 European Union member states studied, the average 6% of the youth (9–16 years old) have been bullied and only 3% of them confessed to be a bully. (Lindert, J. 2017). Cyber-bullying has become more common as the years move forward. Those on social media continuously find ways to judge those online. Sometimes, we may not even realize that we are doing this. More recently, this has changed from “negative thoughts” to “negative words”. This is due to the fact that we seemingly are becoming more confident with hiding behind a screen and potentially saying what is on our minds. Social media can be a dangerous pit for any users because they are vulnerable to online harassment and bullying on any platform (Saelee, K. 2018).
Cyberbullying on social media is linked to depression in teenagers, according to new research that analyzed multiple studies of the online phenomenon. (Pappas, S. 2015). Victimization of young people online has received an increasing level of scrutiny, particularly after a series of high-profile suicides of teenagers who were reportedly bullied on various social networks. (Pappas, S. 2015). Cyberbullying has become more frequent in teenagers and evidently caused friendships to be ruined. 
It is believed that by the year 2030, majority of social media users will have developed depression, anxiety, or a form mental illness due to cyber bullying. Those hiding behind a screen will become more confident with hiding and feel as though they are able to cyber bully those online without any actual affect. It seems as though those who cyber bully others like to feel power and enjoy feeling as though they are unstoppable. By the year 2030, this will only have worsened as “bullies” continue to build up more confidence through destroying others.  


Pappas, S. (2015). Social Media Cyber Bullying Linked to Teen Depression. Retrieved from:

Lindert, J. (2017). Cyber-bullying and its impact on mental health: Jutta Lindert. Retrieved from:

Saelee, K. (2018). Negative Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Retrieved from:


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