Written by Fernanda Araya
Written by Fernanda Araya
Our online identities have a massive impact on our everyday lives nowadays since being connected during a big part of our day is the new normal. Creating an online version of ourselves that, most of the time, is an improved version of the real us, doesn’t seem to generate any questions as it seems that everyone does it. The change has been progressive, and it seems that younger generations are the ones that enjoy this type of exposure on social media. According to ESPAS, “the intense frequency with which people actively engage with their smartphones […] creates constant exposure to wide public approval or judgment and instantaneous feedback loop that affects how individuals present and define themselves to others” (ESPAS, 2018). Looking for constant approval creates anxiety, stress and low self-esteem in people since they are continuously trying to please others. Their virtual identity makes people lose themselves in this reality and creates a barrier between friends since it makes it almost impossible to distinguish the real person from the one in social media.
It seems that the future for friendship is going to be virtual, according to the author Mehta. "As an increasing number of people forge and sustain relationships through online sites, the future of virtual relationships seems to shine bright. Online dating and friendships will be well integrated into mainstream culture (not that they aren’t already!)” (Mehta, 2017). The online conduct that we see right now might lead us to superficial relationships in 2030, and people might not know how to distinguish real friends.
ESPAS. (2018). Identities and Biases in the Digital Age. Retrieved from https://espas.secure.europarl.europa.eu/orbis/sites/default/files/generated/document/en/Ideas%20Paper%20Digital%20Identities%20ESPAS-EPSC_V08.pdf
Mehta, D. (2017). Virtual relationships: connecting or disconnecting society? Retrieved from https://www.quantumrun.com/article/virtual-relationships-connecting-or-disconnecting-society
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